Pennsylvania Youth Sports Booster

JRW Service Corp. (JRW) is a proud sponsor (Booster) of the Central Dauphin Rams Wrestling team. JRW is a supporter of youth athletics and youth involvement in extracurricular activities in Pennsylvania.

In a study published in the “American Journal of Public Health” the co-author of the study Mark Zimmerman stated the following: “These results tell us that instead of focusing on risk, we should be looking more toward creating opportunities for kids to take part in school and church activities to help them overcome the risks. Perhaps if we try enhancing strengths instead of fixing problems, we could have a positive effect on kids’ lives.” Our community and state of Pennsylvania does a great job in providing opportunities to assist or youth in “enhancing strengths”, JRW Service Corp is proud to play our role in supporting strong community and positive effects on kids!

JRW supports the youth and community of our local community in Harrisburg. Moreover, we are pleased to have been provided the opportunity to support our communities “Holiday Wrestling Tournament.” JRW’s sponsorship flier, highlighting our services in Software Development, Web Design, Technology Consulting, Management Consulting, and Accounting is attached. We had fun designing this flier to be something the youth would enjoy seeing in their wrestling tournament handouts and something they could be proud of!